Plymouth Painting ContractorsWhen you hire Tenet Painting as your Plymouth painting contractors, you will be delighted by the interior and exterior painting skills of our professional painters. Trust us as your painting contractor with your interior, decorative finish, or exterior paint job. Here are a few comments about our painter team by your Plymouth neighbors: "The crew arrived bright and early both days and completed the job in a professional manner including a nice clean up."
Mr. & Mrs. Faulkner
Sycamore Lane, Plymouth (2008)
"Very impressed with Dan - quite a professional!"
Mr. & Mrs. Huebschen
43rd Avenue N., Plymouth (2007)
"Overall, very efficient. Terry and Peter completed all as promised."
Mr. & Mrs. Haley
Crowne Hill Road, Plymouth (2007)
"Gaylen and his team were very hard working and efficient. We are extremely satisfied with their work."
Mr. & Mrs. Ostrem
51st Ave N, Plymouth (2007)
Plymouth Painting Services
©2009 - 2010 Tenet Painting & Decorating. Professional interior and exterior painting contractor.
7677 Washington Ave S, Edina, MN 55439